
Art Slant Show case winner


I am selected for the 'Art Slant Juried winner'!

I will be featured on the section 'show case winner' on Art Slant website for February


Hermes London Dental Clinic

3 pieces of the series 'Still Life with Fruits' is exhibited in the waiting room of Hermes London Dental Clinic for a month,

21 Jan - 3 Mar, 2010

205 Vauxhall Bridge Rd, Westminster, London, SW1V 1ER

If you pass by next time, take a look at the clinic, and we will see my works from the window!

and by the way, Hermes London Dental Clinic is looking for artworks to be exhibited
Artist who is interested in, Please e-mail me 3 low-res images which you would like to exhibit there and CV to ting@chengtingting.com, thanks :)



FAT Toronto Arts and Fashion Week

My project 'Still Life with Fruits' will be featured in FAT Toronto Arts and Fashion Week in April.

FAT Toronto Arts and Fashion Week, 5th anniversary edition
April 21-24, 2010 within Studio City, located at 1 Pardee Avenue in Toronto’s Liberty Village



Reasons to Travel, now on sale!

Hey, my book can be bought here,
take a look!!!

by the way, the group exhibition 'Home and Away' is coming soon!

Home and Away

Why do people travel? What does it mean to be away from ‘home’? Does our idea of ‘home’ change and transmute the more we travel, or does it perhaps only come into existence when we leave the physical reality behind? Can we ever simply and unproblematically ‘return home’ after our travels, and will it be the same ‘home’ we left? How do we negotiate between our past spatial memories and the new geographical locations we find ourselves in? Last but not least, can we ever really experience a new place for the first time, outside its familiar representations in maps, guidebooks, films and news programmes?

This exhibition features the work of six UK-based artists - Ting-Ting Cheng, Joanna Zylinska, Chu Yin-Hua, Alexandra Wolkowicz and Barney & Lucy Heywood - who use photography and video to ask poignant questions about spatial identity, geographical belonging and the passage of time. Suspended between dream, memory and imagination, the projects presented here offer a poetic reflection on the movement of bodies and minds across cities, continents and cultures in the age of globalisation.

Anyone who is interested in further information, please contact me ting@chengtingting.com
for the whole exhibition proposal and images :)


Thomas Demand

Washing-ups, Nigel Shafran

Stairs, Nigel Shafran


constructed reality



A growing potato, just a snap shot.....
not a clue yet.............

London Art Fair 2010 is successfully finished!

Thanks to the Bearspace,
the exhibition 'Print Now' in London Art Fair is successfully finished!!

Here's the reviews:
Financial Times: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/0483cc06-ffe3-11de-ad8c-00144feabdc0.html
Evening Standard: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/arts/review-23794392-wheres-the-fun-of-the-london-fair.do
Telegraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/art/artsales/6932802/Market-News.html
Chanel S4C: http://www.s4c.co.uk//clic/e_level2.shtml?series_id=362162752
Spoonfed: http://www.spoonfed.co.uk/spooners/tom-699/london-art-fair-2010-1969/
Art Review:
Previews of this exhibition are also featured in Printmaking Today Magazineand Design Week

Still Life with Gucci Melon, C-type print, 40cm x 50cm
the picture is availabe on http://www.bearspace.co.uk/beta/index.phpoption=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=22&Itemid=7

Thanks for everyone coming :)